serving deaf, hard of hearing, deaf blind, late deaf and anyone with hearing loss
Statewide Service for Deaf, Hard of Hearing, Late Deafened,and Deaf-Blind, equipment loaner program,specialized phones for hard of hearing,assistance in finding hearing aids at reduced cost,referrals to agencies, assistance with resumes,education classes, deaf socials, informational workshops,video phones for public use,job coaching, advocacy in IEP meetings in schools, referral of interpreters for hire and emergencies.
Keywords: georgia, hearing loss, deaf, blind, sign, language, sign language, hearing, impaired, council, gachi, late deaf, sign classes asl,deafened,assistive listening devices, hearing aids, resources, video phones, workshops, GED education, equipment, tty's, amplified phones, video phones, hard of hearing, deafness, interpreters, cochlear implants,amplified phones, TV ears, comfort duett, workshops, deaf events, Deaf awareness.